Legal 500

Feb 2024

The 2024 edition Legal 500 directory of lawyers has again identified Nick as a leader in the field of criminal law: ‘Nick is exceptionally intelligent and a brilliant advocate who eloquently articulates his submissions in court and robustly defends his clients. Clients always like Nick because he he is meticulously prepared, gives clear advice, and

Kidnap and false imprisonment acquittals

Feb 2024

After a 3-month trial involving the kidnap of two men in what was said to be a drugs feud, my client was acquitted of all charges. The kidnap gang had freed one man in order that he could arrange for a ransom to be paid. In the meantime, the other man was held for a

Conspiracy to murder acquittal at the Old Bailey

Feb 2024

Nick represented a man alleged to be the gunman in a drive-by shooting. After a two-week trial which involved a detailed cross-examination of the prosecution expert cell-site expert, Nick successfully argued there was no case to answer and his client was acquitted of two offences of conspiracy to murder, and firearms offences. It was alleged
