Barrister Drugs London: I’m Nick Barraclough, a specialist defence barrister. Recommended by the Legal 500 as one of the best criminal defence barristers London has to offer, I’ve defended in many complex and serious drugs cases. Convictions for drugs offences can lead to long prison sentences. This places huge pressure on anyone charged with these offences. I understand this, and do everything I can to take the pressure off you. My training and experience in these cases means that I can focus on the important issues. I offer early and sensible advice, and can help you through the trial process. Above all, I work to give you the best possible service – and the best possible outcome.
An Expert If You Need Criminal Defence Barristers London Based For A Case Involving Drugs
I’m often sought as a barrister drugs London wide and further afield. Those cases range from possession of relatively small amounts of drugs, to conspiracy to supply or import huge amounts of Class A drugs. I have a proven track record in defending drugs cases:
- Knowing the traps and pitfalls in these cases, I can help avoid them. Then the defence can be presented in the best possible way.
- I can analyse cell-site and telephone call data, and have access to the best experts if they’re needed.
- I identify and deal with the issues which the jury will find important.
Contact Nick Barraclough, An Experienced Drugs Offences Barrister London Based
Although known as a barrister drugs London wide, I am instructed in cases in all parts of England and Wales. Recently I was instructed in a Cardiff case and defended KS who was found not guilty of supply large amounts of Class A drugs – the co-accused were sentenced to a total of 116 years’ imprisonment. More examples of the drugs cases I’ve been involved in can be found here. Drugs cases are often linked to other allegations, such as money laundering offences where a money laundering barrister is needed, or allegations concerning firearms. I can help you if you are charged in one of these multi-allegation cases. To speak to me about your own situation, you can email me at, telephone my Chambers on 020 7440 8888 or use the contact form on my website at